Angels & Demons

It's movies like this that make me wanna make movies! God where should i start???

Ok first lets set the records straight, it's already definitely, positively, undeniably in my TOP 10 list!!!
Directed by Ron Howard, haven't seen much of his movies. Except for some editing flaws here and there, the movie's practically perfect. How he captured the detailed architecture of the vatican, though most of it was made up, it just boggles my mind. It still does! The movie took me for an emotional ride that i haven't felt since movies like "The Gladiator" and "Titanic".

Remember that part where he takes the bomb and flies upwards with the chopper. God, it was so grandly done! I felt the moment from within. I shall stop trying to describe how great the movie was for me, cause movies like this surpasses the boundaries of being able to be described by words alone.

"It's movies like this that make me wanna make movies"
Why I want to become a director? here's the answer... to create a world of my own, that i can only live through movies! THAT'S WHY