Outing with Bum Apprentice

You know i haven't been writing about my outings recently cause i've got no pictures to go with them. So anyways, went out with wei ling 2day. GOD, that girl can make u do anything!!! Suppose to go to jemputree but once again it was closed. Then went to UPR, taught maybe they would hv something there but it was all CLOSED. Well at least someone was proud she gtg to UPR (in the day that is!). Then headed to my 2nd home/1st home GURNEY. Went to chillies, drinks came 1st, fuck u assholes, never send my drink 1st again!! Couldn't finish most of the food and Wei ate most of it... SO PROUD OF YOU! ..GOL.. (giggling out loud-to those that don't already know, shame on YOU!!) Then went to coffee island, "school girl's" FIRST TIME. Got ripped off, bloody drink was filled with ice till the brim. Then the clouds decided to start a war. Rushed home. AWESOME DAY!

PS. someone scratched her car!